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Indian Passport Renewal

In this page Permanent Residents in Canada can find links for Indian Passport renewal. This page is only to make your life easier, for any changes or updates you are requested to visit website of Indian Embassy or bls official website.

Additional Forms &  Requirements

Online Application Procedure

Click on the link below and first time users have to register themself, if you are returning user login into your ID. You can submit multiple applications of from your house hold under single login ID.

After login select “Apply for ordinary Passport” (first option).

Fill your application form carefully and after that submit it. Always check your preview before final submission, because once you submit it you can’t make any changes. (**Always check address or other relevant sections below before starting your application):

Click here for online application submission form for Toronto Jurisdiction.

Once you submit your application take it’s printout by clicking on the name of each applicant from your login home screen. 

Sign it’s first (under your photo) and last page with black pen. In case of minor first page have to be signed (or thumb impression) by minor and last page should be signed by parents / gurdian of the minor.

If Landed as Student *

Applicants who are landed on Study Visa are required to provide/attach copy of study visa stamp issued by Canadian Embassy In India.

Document Checklist

Click on the link below to open checklist for Indian Passport renewal application. We advice you to check BLS international site for any changes or updates as well:

 Click here to Open Checklist

Photograph Specifications

2 photos of size 51mm x 51 mm, (2 inches x 2 inches)

  • The photo-print should be clear and with a continuous-tone quality.
    It should have full face, front view, eyes open.
  • Photo should present full head from top of hair to bottom of chin.
    Center head within frame.
  • The background should be a plain white or off-white.
  • There should not be any distracting shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Head coverings are not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial fea tures from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face must be clearly shown.
  • The expression on the face should look natural.
Passport Printable Address

For PR card holders/work permit: please enter your Canadian address under ‘Address to be printed on the passport’ and your Indian address under ‘Other addresses. Please provide your Canadian address proof and Print and attached Annexure – “E”.

For applicants on Visitor Record or study permit: please enter the Indian address under ‘Address to be printed’ and current Canadian address under ‘Other addresses on the online form. (If the address is the same as the Indian address mentioned in your recent Indian passport, Indian address proof is not required, but you are required to provide proof of your current Canadian address). If the Indian address differs from the one printed in your Indian passport, please provide address proof of your new Indian address and Canadian address.

PROOF OF ADDRESS: Driver’s License or Ontario Government issued photo ID card or Utility Bill (must be less than 6 months old). Please note: Proof of address must match the same as ‘Address to be printed on the passport’.

For Minors

Please fill in the below additional forms along with the online registration form & Annexure E. as well as Annexure D.

For single parent/ guardian or adoption/separation cases, or if one parent has not given consent, please also fill Annexure C.

For Lost or Damaged Passport

Please submit Annexure -“F”

For Lost Passport, you are to also submit a detailed Police Report mentioning lost passport number and 2 photocopies of the lost Indian passport (first and last page).